Camps are always fun at Martial Arts Advantage. We offer camps throughout the school year during times there is no school and each week the kids are out of school for summer break. Each camp has a different theme and we try to build activities around the theme so kids stay active and don’t get bored. And while we are keeping them active, they are also learning some skills, building confidence, and making friends. Camps are designed for ages 6 and up. Register early as our camps fill up quickly and we want to be sure and hold a spot for your kiddos!
Our Summer Camps, as well as Spring Break and Fall/ Winter Holiday Break camps are set up with Half Day Sessions. Parents can choose between Half Day AM or Half Day PM or Both if they want the full day camp experience. Our AM programs are Martial Arts Focused with certified martial arts instructors and a curriculum that follows the training we teach in our martial arts academy. Our PM sessions are managed by our After School Ninjas program and their qualified staff including Hillsborough County teachers. Camp curriculum was written by a Hillsborough County teacher and is geared toward fun and educational experiences that help students stay sharp and avoid the “slide” that can happen when they are away from the classroom.
In 2024 we are going Device Free in all camps. Parents have been asking for this for a while now and we have decided to try it. We know kids get bored easy and we will make sure our camps have plenty of activities to keep them engaged!
Martial Arts Advantage Camps are a great way to give your kids a safe, fun, and enriching experience during the summer or whenever school have a holiday.
Here are some fast facts about our camps that you should know:
Our Half Day AM Camp sessions are Martial Arts Focused
Our Half Day PM Camps feature structured curriculum to help prevent the “Summer Slide” while providing lots of fun games and activities so kiddos won’t be bored.
Our camps have limited spots available and late cancellations make it extremely difficult to fill the space and cause other kiddos to miss out. We will refund your camp payment if you cancel up to 30 days prior to the start of camp date. (School Holiday Day Camps we will refund if camp is cancelled prior to one weeek of camp date.) We will not refund cancellations that happen within 30 days (or 7 days for School Holiday Camps) of the camp start date.
We’re about so much more than martial arts – we’re all about FUN!! Our camps are a ton of fun and quite popular. Be sure to register early for any camps you want so we can hold your spot!
Choose Your Program
30 Days starts when you take your first class!